distinguished biaar 2018

Our work Caseros Shed has been distinguished in “Technical, Crafts, and Industry” category in biaar 2018.

This work is a small infrastructure that bets with optimism to the recovery the industrial issue in the Buenos Aires conurbation. If an infrastructure is the set of elements or services that are considered necessary for an organization to function or for an activity to develop effectively, many of the industrial, transport and logistics activities that take place in the first and second lanes of the BA conurbation are part of the necessary infrastructure for the operation of Buenos Aires city and the AMBA as a whole.


The building takes place in a plot located in the town of Caseros, Partido de Tres de Febrero, Province of Buenos Aires. The lot is unique within the urban plot because it owes its shape to its location in one of the six corners formed at the intersection of Av. Alvear and Av. Bartolomé Miter with the streets Ayacucho, Púan and Castelli.
The volumetry is adjusted to the current regulations on land use, Decree Law 8912/77, which determines to conserve, as absorbent soil, 40% of the land without building. In this way, the built volume is developed on Av. Alvear and frees a triangular patio on Calle Púan.


The ship was built with a unidirectional structure, consisting of seven metal frames of normal steel profiles rolled IPE 24 each 5,17M distance and with a pre-painted sheet metal enclosure black type sinusoidal Cal.24 model A1086 of Ternium Siderar. Inside, the termination is the thermal insulation of glass wool with a white polypropylene finish that also acts as a vapor barrier, placed between the metal structure and the sheet metal cover.


The heads were resolved, one by the existing dividing wall of common solid bricks 30cm thick and the other by the resolution of the corner through the turn of the structure with three half frames that rotate on the axis of the building and solve the volume without solution of continuity with the fence that delimits the boundary and the patio. A linear skylight generated in the section of the building guarantees natural lighting and ventilation of the entire interior space.


The shed is built for rent, and it´s considered as a flexible structure that don´t have a specific destination beforehand, it will change over time and space will adapt to different needs and support light and ephemeral interventions.


The teacher Alvar Aalto stated in 1922 that the only real commandment of constructive art is: build naturally, relaxed. Do not do anything without a sense. Everything superfluous with time becomes ugly.
In this small work the concepts with which we carry out the practice of architecture are clearly manifested, where we enact an architecture that provides simple answers to complex questions that arise from an exhaustive reading of both the tangible and intangible conditioners of the project (technical, culture, use, aesthetics, ethics, site, climate, economy, market, etc.), not taking anything for granted, finding the essential issues that structure it, getting more with less. Standing from a conception of time and place that transcends all regionalism, thinking here and now as part of the universal architectural culture.
We are interested in promoting an architecture without appearances, that arises from the disposition of concrete materials in a certain order, conjugated with “art”, achieving an intense poetics through an economy of resources. Getting more with less.  As Bucho Baliero used to say, “The Beauty of the necessary, nothing more”.